It is with great excitement that we announce Leavell Investment Management, Inc. (“Leavell”) was recently named to the CNBC FA 100 list. “The CNBC FA 100 celebrates the financial advisory firms that top the list when it comes to offering a comprehensive planning and financial service that helps clients navigate through their complex financial life.” CNBC enlisted data provider AccuPoint Solutions to assist with an analysis of 35,511 registered investment advisors, applying weighted categories to further refine and rank the firms.
Leavell Investment Management ranks 38th and is the top-ranked advisory firm headquartered in Alabama.
“With 2019 marking our 40th year providing investment solutions to our clients, this is a timely honor owed to the families, businesses, foundations, and retirement plan sponsors that continue to put their trust in the Leavell team,” said Andrew Grinstead, President and CEO.
Today, we have twenty-seven employees who help manage $1.86 billion of assets (as of September 30, 2019), from our offices in Mobile and Birmingham. Our client base now stretches over more than two dozen states, which is a testament to the breadth of expertise and the valuable advice our employees deliver.
To see the entire FA 100 list, please visit https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/10/fa-100-cnbc-charts-the-top-rated-financial-advisory-firms-of-2019.html.
The CNBC rankings are based on data culled from thousands of advisory firms and provided by Accu-Point Solutions. Factors included in the rankings were disclosures, years in business, average account size, total accounts under management, number of investment advisors, the ratio of investment advisors to total number of employees and discretionary assets under management and total AUM. Each section was weighted according to specific criteria created by CNBC and AccuPoint. The CNBC FA 100 list is not indicative of future performance. Neither the RIA firms nor their employees pay a fee to CNBC or AccuPoint Solutions in exchange for inclusion in the CNBC FA 100.